DotA 6.80c, DotA 6.80b and DotA 6.80c are Released! - Alief's Blog

DotA 6.80c, DotA 6.80b and DotA 6.80c are Released!

After quite some time we can only play with DotA 6.79e, IceFrog finally released the DotA 6.80 which got so many heroes and items changes, either nerfed or buffed. Not so long after Dota 6.80 released, DotA 6.80b and DotA 6.80c come one another to fix the bug which still occured on the previous version. For avid dota fans, DotA 6.80 actually expected to have a new hero,Sun Wukong, which is the secret boss on the DotA 6.79 quest. The tradition said that the secret boss will be the next new hero on the next map.

Some speculation arise, one of them saying that this lack of new hero is because of IceFrog focus is divided with the Dota 2 development, which still have some heroes not yet ported. But the Sun Wukong absence doesn't make this map uncool. Some changes made on Roshan to make the game more balance.

Other than that, some popular heroes also got some nerf, like Alchemist, Ancient Apparition, Broodmother and Earth Spirit. Meanwhile, some rarely picked heroes got some nice buff, like Axe and Jakiro. Let's hope after this the DotA 6.80 AI will be coming for Dota Fans. And don't forget, always give you the latest dota updates!

1 comment:

  1. selamat malam bos ..
    info dan artikelnya menarik sekali ,kami tunggu post beikutnya bos :)
